How did she do it? A Q&A with Surbhi Sarna, founder and president of nVision Medical, a Boston Scientific Company

Gwen Edwards, managing director of Golden Seeds and lead investor for Golden Seeds’ investment in nVision

September 6, 2018

One founder’s path to a successful exit for her medical device company:

Surbhi Sarna, founder and president of nVision Medical

GE: Tell us a bit more about the origins of your company.

GE: How is your approach to cancer detection different from others in your market?

GE: What’s it like for startups trying to raise money in the women’s health market?

GE: What has Boston Scientific’s acquisition of nVision meant for other women-led medical device startups?

GE: What advice do you have for early-stage founders who are trying to raise money?

GE: What are some of the other things founders ask your advice about?

GE: What can you share about your experience with Golden Seeds?

GE: I remember that your initial pitch to us was astonishingly good. It was effectively planned and organized, and it was clear that you were respecting our time.

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